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WSF Championship

Postby SteveJJ

Starts tomorrow.

Favourites look like: Mark Joyce, Ashley Hugill, Iulian Boiko, Daniel Womersley, Craig Steadman, Florian Nuessle, Liam Highfield, Oliver Sykes, Gao Yang and James Cahill.

Nuessle and Steadman unlucky to be in the same group. Especially as Yu Kiu Chang is also in it.

Assuming Knowles and McLeod are past it.

There are other former pro's such as Sean O'Sullivan, Harvey Chandler, Victor Sarkis and Ng On Yee.

Can Barrie Vesty do well for China?

I don't know if you have to be in good standing with your board but no Chang Bingyu after his ban expired in December and not that he needed to enter, but everyone will be pleased that there will be no Zhao Xintong

Re: WSF Championship

Postby SteveJJ

Florian Nuessle beats Craig Steadman 3-0 in the clash of the day.

Most of the ex pro's who were playing, won, save for Sean O'Sullivan and Amine Amiri.

Mark Joyce won a decider. His mum won't be happy

Re: WSF Championship

Postby SteveJJ

Mark Joyce's mum will be happier as her son is whitewashed by Nattanapong Chaikul.

Billy Castle and Iulian Boiko make it 2 wins out of 2

Re: WSF Championship

Postby roy142857

A couple of players I'd have favoured out in the Last 32, Mark Joyce to Florian Nussle and Ryan Davies to Raymond Fung. Chatchapong Nasa (Thailand) lost in a close decider to Ian Martin a few moments ago. Closing in on the last 16 and as now's when I have time available, here's how things are looking:

Last 16

Daniel Womersley (England) v Brian Cini (Malta)
Raymond Fung Kwok Wai (Hong Kong) v Umut Dikme (Germany)

Mateusz Baranowski (Poland) v Kevin Hanssens (Belgium)
Barry Pinches (England) v Ashley Hugill (England)

Stuart Watson (England) v Ian Martin (England)
Gao Yang (China) v winner of Patrick Whelan (England) v Rory McLeod (Jamaica)

Jaden Ong Jia Jun (Singapore) v Fergal Quinn (Northern Ireland)
Florian Nussle (Austria) v Zhou Jinhao (China)

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Quarter-Final. Although the Tour card prize is three wins away a victory in this match will reward either Fergal Quin or Florian Nuessle with a place in the World Championship first qualifying round. One frame all with that black from Fertgal Quin nudging him ahead 26-24 in frame three. End of break and into a safety exchange which is won by Fergal Quinn. Black is unavailable, reds awkward, Fergal Quinn extends his lead to ten before missing a long green. Florian Nuessle replies with a single red. More safety looms. Fergal Quinn hides the white behind the green. Florian Nuessle escapes second attempt, leaves nothing. Fergal Quinn careless. Florian Nuessle settles for one and laying a challenging snooker behind blue. Fergal Quinn escapes but leaves Florian Nuessle a clear chance. Just the eight and now Fergal Quinn's chance to seal the frame. Fergal Quinn lands perfectly on the yellow but the black is still on the table. Florian Nuessle clears to pink for a 2-1 lead.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Florian Nuessle first in. Clears the loose reds. 21 and one good safety shot immediately bears fruit. Florian Nuessle only able to extend his lead to 35. Florian Nuessle back at the table forced to play safe off yellow. Fergal Quinn has the next opportunity. Jenson Kendrick is participating in the accompanying chat as Fergal Quinn draws level. Florian Nuessle pleased that yellow is in a particularly unappetising position. Or maybe not as Fergal Quinn misses pink. Florian Nuessle into the minimum lead. Florian Nuessle pots the yellow but the green eludes him. Fergal Quinn green and brown no problem, but lands wrong side of the blue. No problem. Blue and pink disappear and that's 2-2.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby HappyCamper

Baranowski putting Pinches in some tough snookers this frame.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby HappyCamper

First semi finalist confirmed as the maltese Brian Cini.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Fergal Quinn easy starter stays out. Reds nicely spread but black and blue are a long way from their spots. Florian Nuessle won't be happy with a break of 13. Fergal Quinn selects black following his opening red. Good choice. Five reds five blacks. Was that intentional? Florian Nuessle forced to play safe. Fergal Quinn controlling the frame. Stroking the pink with his shirt cuff not the best strategy. Lead cut to 27 five reds left. Bout of play that won't be included in any highlights. Ended by Florian Nuessle who begins his break with a long diagonal red. Flroian Nuessle edges in front before snookering himself on the last red. Escaped easily enough but now faced with an altogether bigger problem. Escapes again. And another one but leaves the red on. Fergal Quinn sinks red and brown but cannot dislodge yellow. No matter lay yet another snooker. Escape leaves a thin cut. Fergal Quinn pots yellow and is on green although how to find position on brown? Fergal Quinn doesn't attempt to answer the question sending green up the table and leaving the white tight behind pink. Four points given away and Jia Shuangyu will have to replace the balls. Thankfully Florian Nuessle succeeds second time around. Not safe enough. Fergal Quinn pots green but won't be pleased with his next shot. Florian Nuessle pots the brown and lays the snooker hiding white behind black. Fergal Quinn escapes but that's a chance. Florian Nuessle says thank-you. He leads 3-2.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Florian Nuessle presents Fergal Quinn with a choice of reds. Just the nine points. Florian Nuessle replies with 14. Two opportunities spurned. Fergal Quinn has the third chance. Couple of judicious cannons. White ball never far from the object ball. Quality snooker. Break of 64 enough to clinch frame six. Decider coming up.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby HappyCamper

Mateusz Baranowski of Poland defeats Barry Pinches of England 4-0.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Seven reds and the pink the wrong end of the table as Fergal Quinn first to strike. This is an opportunity. Challenge number one after landing awkwardly on the colours. Green provides salvation but cannot follow it up with a mid-range red. Florian Nuessle pots red but would have preferred the white to be closer to the black. Misses. Next chance Fergal Quinn. The balls are waiting to be potted. Four reds left two snookers required. 60 break and it is all over. Fergal Quinn wins 4-3.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby HappyCamper

gao yang and brian cini will contest the final.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Gao Yang, last year's runner-up, opens proceedings. Brian Cini sets the first snooker of the final white behind green. Gao Yang escapes with finesse. Wonderful opener from Brian Cini. Loses the cue ball on 18. Red goes in but green stays out. Opportunity Gao Yang. 56 a tidy lead but four reds remain on the table. Brian Cini pots a long red then snooker time. Three snookers earn Brian Cini four points. Gao Yang smashes a red into the yellow pocket then tucks the white behind the pink. Brian Cini escapes at second time of asking but leaves a red on. Red pink and Brian Cini needs three successful snookers. Five snookers eight points still 36 behind. Gao Yang in. Onto the colours. Green stays out but that's 1-0.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Brian Cini first in opts to go into the pack immediately from yellow. Could have worked out better so chooses safety. Both players sink reds without finding position on a colour. Brian Cini earns first real chance. Reds disappearing at pace. 67 break. 1-1.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Brian Cini first off the mark tempted by black but caution wins the day. Gao Yang long range misses by a distance. Reds are spread. Brian Cini shot to nothing goes wrong. Calamitous response from Gao Yang, Brian Cini needs one good recovery shot on the blue but otherwise no problem until it no longer matters. 78 break. Brian Cini leads 2-1.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Gao Yang ties white behind yellow. Brian Cini safety would have been perfect but for missing the reds. Second attempt has too much pace. Gao Yang in. Eight. Risks a red into left middle. Stays out. Brian Cini attacking. Red to yellow pocket hits the jaws. Reds meandering to the other end of the table. Gao Yang wins the safety battle. Just the blue and black to work with. 60 enough to level up at 2-2. 15 minutes to recharge the batteries.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Gao Yang breaks. Brian Cini snookered. Error-strewn frame until Brian Cini pots a scintillating red. Just the 17 before losing position. Brian Cini three ahead six reds left. Brian Cini leaves one of those reds hanging over a corner pocket. Gao Yang takes advantage. Black thinks about it but drops. No more heartache. 30 ahead black unpottable so lay the snooker. That's another four points. Gao Yang pots the first five colours. Leads 3-2.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Brian Cini brilliant red then misses brown. Gao Yang asks for the rest. Just the six. Brian Cini won't be pleased with that shot. Gao Yang eight added. Brian Cini takes the red on. In it goes. Questionable shot choice. Needs one good recovery. Makes it but never retrieves prime position. Gao Yang looks the more composed. Five reds left Brian Cini 10 ahead. Opportunity spurned by Brian Cini. Gao Yang 13 ahead frame at his mercy. Regulation yellow. Nightmare. Brian Cini at the table. Only the pink in an awkward position. Pink says no to green then yellow pocket then wanders along the side cushion. What does Gao Yang do? Gao Yang pots the white. Brian Cini pots the pink. 3-3.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Brian Cini trademark long red. No colour to follow. Pink and blue have joined the baulk colours. First opportunity Gao Yang. Botches position from the brown. That's a great red. And an impressive black. Has regained prime position. Plenty of loose reds but baulk end is congested. Gao Yang attempts to dislodge the pack off the brown. Could be the frame but misses the pack completely and sends the white down. Brian Cini safety isn't good enough. Gao Yang 52 in front 51 on the table worries too much about position misses the black. Brian Cini red and pink. Safety below standard. Gao Yang adds the blue. Brian Cini stays in his seat.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby gninnur karona

Difficult opener for Brian Cini stays out. No damage. Brian Cini to middle. No. Gao Yang in. Three pots and out. Brian Cini opportunity. Break into the twenties. Over forces a red. Flukes one to compensate but relief is short-lived. Gao Yang on a mission. Gao Yang eight in front two reds left pots both pink and white. Tense exchange. Both players demonstrating immaculate knowledge of the pace of the table. Gao Yang brilliant. White tight behind brown. That's going back. Second attempt strikes the black. Third misses everything. Fourth is good. Gao Yang lays another snooker behind the black. Brian Cini thinks he can hit the red off the cushion. Doesn't look on. That's seven more points. Alternative approach gives another four points away. Second time works but..... Gao Yang pots red and black to leave Brian Cini needing a snooker. Final red down. Gao Yang roars. Black next. Yellow stays out. Brian Cini plays on. One more shot. Gao Yang pots the yellow. The lead is 46. Brian Cini plays on. Gao Yang sinks the green and there's the handshake. Gao Yang 2025 WSF Champion.

Re: WSF Championship

Postby Hedgehog

Gutted I missed this tournament, really enjoyed last year's edition. Congrats to Gao Yang!