"Good summary. Ebbo is an all time great!"
Yep,he certainly is vodkadiet!.
It,s people like Peter who i personaly admire.
His determination,will to still compete at top level,grit,the hard work,the much effort he puts into the game,the will to play how he wants,the will to carry on despite many critics over the years,etc, really has to be admired!
To win a ranking title at his age when things were looking very bleak for him is a fantastic and very admireable feat!.
Not so long ago,i can,t remember where i read it,but he said that he "felt lost",this was when he was goin through a rough time due to his marriage and havin to decide what to do,where to go etc.
It,s really great when players/people in general can pull themselves out of very difficult situations and get back on track.
I,m sure Snooker must be one of the sports which must leave the most battle scars,i bet most of the players have felt like snappin there cue and callin it a day on numerous occasions!.