by TheSaviour » 12 Nov 2018 Read
Good question.
But currently this snooker journey lies in Northern-Ireland. I would post the best bits of the my taking of the current situation. Have you see James Wattana or Ross Muir playing a wonder shots to cannon the highly problematic ball ? I have. Where´s China. Or have you see John Higgin´s best safety-efforts ? I have. Where´s China. John Higgins and Mark Selby, with no particular order, are the two best players I have ever seen playing the game, followed by Ronnie O´Sullivan. But followed by some distance... I would compare Ronnie to Roger Federer or to Anthony McGill. Roger, Ronnie, McGill, as well as Mark Selby, have the potential to pull away from the standard of which John Higgins (and Mark Selby) have set, I mean overally how impressive things might be... If that would happen things would be quite well. But I could be scared.
Try the quintessentially masala mixture of puffed rice, deep-fried vermicelli, potato, chili paste, tamarind water, chopped onions and coriander. Or spicy vegetable stew and savoury doughnuts soaked in fermented mustard and chili sauce. There´s no better way to beat the cold than with a glass of cool milk shaken with fresh pineapple, mango, banana or custard apple. Sounds pretty good ? Well, that´s the case with someone like Ronnie O´Sullivan or Roger Federer also. But still not the best possible there could be, or how I would argue, are. He´s allright. He´s allright. But the late Anthony Bourdain had even the better ideas. Try to take the best of the French kitchen and something from India as well, just for an example. How about some excessive amounts of chilies added, like they do in Provence !
Which reminds me about Prince Albert. Do you know what that is ? It is Prince Albert piercing. You can well google what part of your body is being pierced. It changes your sex life for good . Does it hurt when taking it ? Some say not that much that could be imagined. But guaranteed that the first you´re snake hissing after that it bites quite badly. In Brighton it used to cost 30 and in Gotham New York half from that.
I would like to have a one Prince Albert, please lol.
The potential is there. But so is the current pecking order, as well also.