Quite close to Stuart Bingham. Hungry first look to cannon off the problem ball straight away. A bit of a tendency to round the cue ball too much and playing it with slightly too little pace and power..
Now we have mr textbook Martin O´Donnel up and running, as well as safety king Alfie Burden and mr counter safety Mark Allen up and running also. Allen hits the ball, which helps to get out of the troubles. But Alfie´s there to get knocked off, as I have previously stated. Some long potting, some long potting.. Need to give it to me.
So the styles changes and varies because of who are currently up and running and going strong. Mark Williams, for example, has bit of a lost it currently. His style (and I do like that) is all about that he steps up on to table as a real "expert"

. Hmmm, how this is now supposed to be played now. That´s good also. But even that won´t solely be enough to be an in-form player.
But when the things are changing it´s always a case that it takes a two to tango. Admitting something is slightly irritating (if you have any feelings, and if not then you´re a laughing stock), and you will get the results. Still, don´t be changing your whole plan. If doing that, many, many people, or at least me, would feel all these years has been washed down the toilet. Which would be no good.
Overally, the little kids trust you if you´re natural. And you´re natural if not seeing too many flaws. Having an early (or a late) grey and letting it to show, and you´re perfectly natural. For example. If you´re not natural, there´s your ticket to play a few tricks.
But still great that they have started to get the results. Including Marco Fu and Mark Selby up and running now. But it won´t be eternal progress. It could stop sooner than you thought it will. Just try to keep at least some of the promises you have made. Just try to make a slightly more sense. And some more sense. And some more sense. When playing. If not playing and just staying natural I can´t say what you should do and what not. What the people wan´t to see or hear and what´s not. Just wandering why me and Marco Fu or me and Mark Selby ain´t no mates with each others............ Who´s entertaining and who´s not. But still having a massive respect towards the likes of Marco and Mark Selby who never ain´t going to be disturbing you by any means and they are just simply staying of where they are, where they have always being!