by Master Blaster » 01 Feb 2016 Read
Me name's Blaster, Master Blaster, the doyen of cues. Glad to be aboard. If you have a question about cues, fire away. I've got my expert opinion ready to help you.

Master Blaster
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by Cloud Strife » 01 Feb 2016 Read
Hi there MB, CB, CG etc.

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by LC » 01 Feb 2016 Read
Seriously anywhere to get reasonably cheap cue £50-100, 1piece or 2,
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by Cue Guru » 01 Feb 2016 Read
LC wrote:Seriously anywhere to get reasonably cheap cue £50-100, 1piece or 2,
Hi LC,
This store (link below) on ebay are selling some David Wu cues. They play like a Trevor White many people say and a TW would cost you £600 and you'd have to wait 18mths for the cue to be made. The timbers are all real, no paint/lacquer. It was only a matter of time before the Chinese began producing great cues at awesome prices. Even the Thai makers can't produce cues this good at this price. There are many cues in the store to choose from and a few items are on bids so you might get an utter bargain. ... 7675.l2563These cues are getting great feedback on many forums. If you spent 50-100 on a Cue Craft, you'd get very little in comparison. These cats are making great cues from lovely N. American ash and the ebony is the blackest and best stuff. Sometimes, the cues are shipped with a lacquer on the shaft to protect the cue in transit. A very light sanding block removes this, followed by a little veg oil on the shaft with a rag (if you don't have cue oil). Or you can leave the lacquer on and play the cue like that.
If you want feel on the shot, go for a one-piece bud.
Cue Guru
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by LC » 01 Feb 2016 Read
Thanks for the advice cue guru,I play 2 or three times a week with a 2 piece that cost £30 and isn't the best. I'd like something of quality that would also improve my game,which is erratic at times!
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by Cue Guru » 01 Feb 2016 Read
LC wrote:Thanks for the advice cue guru,I play 2 or three times a week with a 2 piece that cost £30 and isn't the best. I'd like something of quality that would also improve my game,which is erratic at times!
Much of snooker is about confidence and enjoyment. It's nice to be able to take a decent cue and case to a snooker hall and enjoy playing with it. Smiles and confidence can improve play and give a night more purpose; you feel like you want to do justice to a good cue. These David Wu cues are the best value cues around at the mo. Whatever you get, take some pics, put em on tinypic etc and show us what you got!
Last edited by
Cue Guru on 01 Feb 2016, edited 1 time in total.
Cue Guru
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by LC » 01 Feb 2016 Read
So the grand cues are defo worth the money?
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by Cue Guru » 01 Feb 2016 Read
LC wrote:So the grand cues are defo worth the money?
Yes, you can't go wrong at that price level. Getting hardwoods in the butt of the cue, such as black ebony, tulipwood etc usually means a price north of £100 and for hand made, north of £150.
What are the specs of your current cue? Tip size, butt width, cue length, balance point, etc?
Cue Guru
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by LC » 01 Feb 2016 Read
I don't know the specs of my cue, it was shop bought by my gf, that's why I'd like to get something A bit special
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by Cue Guru » 02 Feb 2016 Read
Hello Mate,
How tall are you? This will help me work out the cue length you need. Almost everyone has an arm length proportional to height. For example, if you are 5'8''-5'10'', this cue would be an ideal length at 57'': ... SwX~dWpavgIf you're 6'0''+ you might need a slightly longer cue (2-piece and 1 piece below at 58'' length) that includes a case and extensions: ... SwFqJWqg6f ... Swa-dWsE~5I'd recommend a 9.5-10mm tip, 18oz (most pros are on 17-18oz) cue. 9mm (and less) tips are good for English Pool, 10mm is fine for snooker. 9.5mm is good for both. You could play with a 9mm at snooker (Murphy does) but it's easy to put unintended side on the ball with smaller tips and miss the pot unless your cue action is dead straight.
If you can hit a 49 with a cheaper cue, you can hit a 50+ with a good cue.
Cue Guru
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by LC » 02 Feb 2016 Read
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it, im 6'1, I regularly hit 20 breaks a few 30s and very rarely a 40+, but I feel I could do better with a quality cue, so your input is more than welcome
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by Cue Guru » 03 Feb 2016 Read
LC, even if you have the boxer stance of Joe Davis, 58'' would be enough. If you're compact, as little as 56'' might be enough but the best bet is to get a 58'' cue then you've got options with your set-up and alignment. It's always nice to have an extra inch for a long blue. These cues are receiving rave reviews on tsf where folk reckon them to be worth two or three times the cost. Hope you get a nice cue bud.
Cue Guru
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