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NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...


A new professional tournament snooker triangle was used for the opening match at the Crucible of the World Snooker Championsion 2013

The triangle was developed over a period of seven months and is the result of many late nights and fanatical research.

The Snooker Island members are invited to post here on Snooker Island, like on Facebook and tweet on Twitter their feeling about the snooker triangle.

View images of the the new professional tournament snooker triangle.

We look forward to hearing them and sharing with you the evolution of the snooker triangle.

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Andre147

Well.. what can I say.. I do appreciate your effort or everyone else who made it, and the triangle looks a very good design, but really it's just a triangle.. snooker fans won't pay attention to it, it only serves up to rack the balls for the next frame, not much else. Does it have any new functions or does it make it easier to rack the balls up? and even if it does.. I mean.. it wasn't that hard a job with the old one, so can't really say much else.

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Wildey wrote:
Wild WC wrote:What was wrong with the old triangle?

Hi WC, thanks for your questions.

Could you clarify for me or show me what you mean by "the old triangle" please?


Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...


Sonny wrote:I think people are missing the point in that it looks good whereas the standard ones don't. It's a style thing.

Since the 1980s which is when the triangle (Mccolgan triangle) was created, snooker equipment has evolved and changed. You now have one, two and three quarter cues, numerous extentions, tips etc. However, the snooker triangle has not really changed since then.

The Bermunda tournament snooker triangle was designed from scratch in order to produce a 21st century professional snooker triangle.

Firstly it had to work, it had to be accurate. It also had to incorporate features that many would not notice i.e. weight distribution, impact on the baize etc.

Consideration was made for the audience, aesthetics and ergonomics. There are also references to the maximum break in snooker in the design too. Pretty much all aspects of the modern game were investigated in order end up with a snooker triangle that addressed needs of tournament snooker.

There is a removable spotting mirror, there are precision bearings and bespoke wheels. All the result of the research data collected.

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Wildey

Sonny wrote:I think people are missing the point in that it looks good whereas the standard ones don't. It's a style thing.

fair enough <ok>

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Empire State Human

Andre147 wrote:
Walidorf0161 wrote:It's not accurate and detrimental to the game.

What is?

The existing triangle, of course. Referees have endless problems with the alignment when racking the reds. Take this example from the recent Gibraltar Open between Milkins and Allen:


Is this acceptable?

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Prop

Empire State Human wrote:
Andre147 wrote:
Walidorf0161 wrote:It's not accurate and detrimental to the game.

What is?

The existing triangle, of course. Referees have endless problems with the alignment when racking the reds. Take this example from the recent Gibraltar Open between Milkins and Allen:


Is this acceptable?


Someone stick this in the funniest moment thread rofl


Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Yanfan

Walidorf0161 wrote:It's not accurate and detrimental to the game.

Look Walidorf0161, here's a bit of friendly advice.

In any discussion, it's always a good idea to be able to back up what you say.

For example, you post and say you know all about the cause of 'kicks', then you don't say what you think the cause of 'kicks' actually is.

Then you post in a nine year old thread and say that a new kind of triangle is rubbish, without explaining exactly why you think it's rubbish. You did not explain why you think it's not accurate.

If you make posts like this, you will just get ridicule back.

Why isn't this obvious to you?

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Walidorf0161

It's common sense, if you're pushing this contraption on wheels up from the bottom cush with 15 heavy balls in it over and over again it will cause depressions not only by the wheels but also by the balls in the cloth which cannot be seen but are still there. If at the end of a match you turn it over the wheel's or roller will have picked up bits from the cloth clogging up the wheel's proving that it is damaging the cloth. Before 1982 kicks were unheard of, only since that type of triangle began to be used kicks have appeared in snooker, and thas why some snooker clubs who have had this triangle have thrown them out. Would you let your children play with their toy cars on a snooker table? No, why?

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Andre147

Walidorf0161 wrote:It's common sense, if you're pushing this contraption on wheels up from the bottom cush with 15 heavy balls in it over and over again it will cause depressions not only by the wheels but also by the balls in the cloth which cannot be seen but are still there. If at the end of a match you turn it over the wheel's or roller will have picked up bits from the cloth clogging up the wheel's proving that it is damaging the cloth. Before 1982 kicks were unheard of, only since that type of triangle began to be used kicks have appeared in snooker, and thas why some snooker clubs who have had this triangle have thrown them out. Would you let your children play with their toy cars on a snooker table? No, why?

So now kicks happen because of the Snooker triangle?

I've heard it all today rofl

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Yanfan

Walidorf0161 wrote:It's taken you a
While, but now you've finally got it.
That's why nearly all kicks take place between the bottom cush and the pink spot. If you want me to fully explain let me know if you can't work it out.

It would be great if you could fully explain. With particular reference as to what actually causes the balls to behave as they do when a kick occurs.

Thanks. <ok>

Re: NEW Professional Tournment Snooker Triangle...

Postby Ck147

HappyCamper wrote:They should change to an hexagon. That'll fix it.

Can you make a hexagon out of 15 red balls? Just thought of a new quiz, what shapes can you make using snooker balls!