Roland wrote:That's bullocks, you hated the game and found it not very inspiring? If you are Quinten Hann and I've no reason to believe you're not, then you can't be as good as you are and not feel inspired when you play. I apologise for stating you took the money from NOTW if you didn't, I tend not to check my facts too much when posting but the article was pretty damning, you obviously didn't care and were disillusioned about being a pro.
If he's got a fake Twitter account, it's quite possible there are people willing to pretend to be him just for sake of a bit of attention. Could well be the same here.
But let's just assume he is the real Hann for the minute, as like you say neither of us has any real proof either way.
Qhann wrote:Iv only looked a few times over the years at stuff written about me but to clear up a few facts.
Much though I'm not a fan of some of your antics, and there's no point pretending that I am as I've already posted on this thread that I'm not, if this is the real you I quite respect you for coming on and saying a few of these things on here. You didn't have to. Also, you have a point about not commenting on the Higgins case. Pretty classy, really. A lot of fans have made the comparison over and over again, it'd be easy for you to come public with your feelings. Especially in today's celebrity obsessed culture. You could have made money out of making appearances and slagging off Higgins. People would've listened, even if the two cases were different. People just love a scandal. Keeping quiet does show some class.
Saying that, if there are other people in the game who are match fixing, I think they should be made known. Ronnie made the same point on Twitter that he 'knew' a lot of people that were match fixing, but when challenged on it quickly started making out that he had no proof.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I do think we should be united against the people it does happen with. Everybody hates grassing people up so I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, but I think we're in an era where Hearn would want you to come to his office and express concerns if you have them. You're not in a position to do so now, unfortunately. But I do hope others come forward, if it's as rife as you (and Ronnie) suggest. I can see why people wouldn't do it, especially if they have no proof, so I'm assigning no blame. More just saying, I hope a few people who knows things share their knowledge. I'm not saying it doesn't happen in the game, I'm saying it shouldn't, and I hope the people who do it get punished.